How Do We Avoid “The Sin”

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How Do We Avoid “The Sin”

Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,

let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run

with patience the race that is set before us,

The word “Sin” is an archery term that means missing the mark.

We are spiritual beings that live in a temporary earthly body, and according to Galatians 5:17, these two are and will forever be contrary to each other. So then the question arises, how can I win over my flesh?

As we approach a new year, I like many am determined to get into better physical shape. Regardless of my heart, knowledge and intentions, if attempt to lift 350 lbs. chances are I won’t succeed. Because I haven’t been exercising at that level.

 This same principle applies to this war between our spirit and our flesh. We have to feed and exercise our spirit in order for it to win this battle. As our flesh needs food, and our lungs need air, our spirits NEEDS The Bread of Life. For the wages of sin is death.

 Several years ago, I saw an ad for an athletic shoe that inspired me so much, I keep it handy for motivation. There was a picture of a successful athlete benching what looks like 350 lbs., facing the wall covered by a large mirror as in the typical gym. The ad read:

The more I train,

The quicker I get.

The quicker I get,

The slower they seem.

The slower they seem,

The easier the game.

The easier the game,

The greater my threat.

The greater my threat,

The more attention I draw.

The more attention I draw,

The tighter they play me.

The tighter they play me,

The more I train.

Whether your opponent is physical or spiritual, to win, hard training is necessary for victory. How bad do you want to win?

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