How Far Will You Go To Shop Christian?

How Far Will You Go To Shop Christian?

After the whole Chick-Fil-A situation back in July 2012, I have been making an effort to research and support Christian owned companies.

This morning I had to jump my truck, turns out I need a battery. I remember Interstate Batteries being one of the Christian owned companies I learned about, and headed out to support them. Although WalMart was on the way, I planned to find a Interstate Battery location (which wasn’t open) to get to on lunch, so I stopped at WalMart to get some jumper cables.

The battery I needed was at WalMart, and $16 cheaper, but I didn’t mind paying extra to support a Christian owned company. Now I’m not rich yet, to this was a reasonably uncomfortable decision.

I had to get a boost at lunch to get to Interstate Battery, leaving my car running as I pulled up. I took note of the 2 other customers getting service on their obviously used Interstate batteries, but that was ok, maybe their batteries were old or poorly maintained. After waiting 10 minutes, and over hearing that the customer in front of me missed his warranty by 2 months and will have to pay for a replacement, I was helped.

Installation was $15, so I swallowed hard and said cash and carry. Then the guy said $16 core charge! That was it!!! WalMart had a Champion battery, 3yr free replacement (the Interstate Battery @ $126 had a 24 month warranty) for $110, free installation, free disposal.

After explaining this to the young man who looked at me dazed, I simply said thanks for your time and left the store.

I’m headed to WalMart, but I’m wondering, “Was I wrong?”

What would you have done? Feel free to leave a comment!

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