The Moment I Became an Entrepreneur
The Moment I Became an Entrepreneur
When I was much younger, my parents bought me an instant camera for Christmas. I was so happy, I took the camera to church with me to show all my friends. Everyone was so amazed that they could see the pictures once the image appeared within minutes. Not only my friends, but their parents and other family members as well. It wasn’t long before I ran out of film. Devastated, the show was over. My parents informed me the film was $10 for 10 pictures – regardless of how they turned out. This created a dilemma. My allowance wouldn’t cover the cost of a new pack of film, but even if it did, I wasn’t sure I liked giving away free pictures that much. That’s when my brain to begin working.
I discovered that if I charged $2 per picture, $1 would cover the cost of the film, and the other would could go to anything else I wanted. To make sure people kept taking pictures, I knew they had to like the pictures, and to cover the cost of the film, I had to take good pictures. Stumbling into photography, I found myself introduced to sales and customer service, profit and loss, inventory management and advertising.
I had become an entrepreneur.